Significant guidance for the effective management of construction waste in North Africa and the Middle East countries

Nivin Ghaboun

Article ID: 2195

Collected by section collection of 'Climate Challenges and Urban Tourism: Navigating Sustainable Solutions for Tourist Destinations'

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Developing countries in North Africa and the Middle East have a low rate of waste recovery (15%) compared with developed countries (90%). The study aims to investigate the main reasons behind this lag. A literature review was conducted to design a questionnaire for scrutinizing waste management plans applied during design, waste mitigation techniques during construction and government support of this sector. The results indicated that there is lack of updated regulations, 74% of stakeholders still sending waste for landfill disposal, whereas other waste hierarchy processes (recycling and reduction) accounts only 7% and weak support of government. In conclusion, the current situation of waste management is not effective, so quick actions from both government and stakeholders were proposed to improve waste management practices.


waste management; retrieval rate; waste hierarchy; recycling and reduction; sustainability; taxes and penalties


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