Tourism: Difficulties, costs and integration in the 21st century

Stella Arnaiz Burne, Aledo A César Dáchary, Fernanda César Arnaiz

Article ID: 2143
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022
Received: 23 July 2022; Accepted: 31 August 2022; Available online: 15 September 2022; Issue release: 30 October 2022

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Tourism, a successful development model in the world, today faces serious challenges from the massification of large European destinations, which has generated tourism phobia, to global climate change, which has identified it as one of the activities with the highest CO2 generation. In the Americas, tourism has grown at an accelerated pace, but the major Latin American and Caribbean destinations are strongly threatened by the insecurity derived from violence, drug trafficking and the impacts of climate and its threats in the region. However, the Caribbean and Mexico are pursuing one of the largest cooperation and integration projects with the creation of the Sustainable Tourism Zone of the Caribbean (STZC) at the beginning of the century.



tourism; sustainability; integration; cooperation; climate change


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