Study on the construction of smart tourism ecosystem and polycentric governance mechanism
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
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Building a smart tourism ecosystem is an important means for the tourism industry to strengthen resource sharing, realize value co-creation and promote healthy development of the industry. Based on the ecological governance perspective and the theory of smart tourism, the connotation of smart tourism ecosystem is proposed and the structural framework of smart tourism ecosystem is constructed by using semi-structured interview method. The framework of smart tourism ecosystem consists of smart tourism platform, smart government, smart tourism suppliers, smart tourism destination marketing organization, smart tourism consumers and external environment, defines the role of each element in the structural framework, and analyzes the characteristics of data flow between each element. The polycentric governance mechanism of the smart tourism ecosystem, including the ecological governance mechanism of smart government, smart tourism suppliers, smart tourism destination marketing organizations and smart tourism consumers, is proposed to provide a reference for the construction and development of regional smart tourism ecosystem.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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