Methodology for the management technological innovation in tourist destinations
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
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Technological innovation has changed tourism management and practice, and tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world. As a result, tourism authorities must increasingly bet on the development of technology to accommodate tourists’ new image and make them feel included in their destination. In this respect, there is an important effective management of technological innovation in tourist destinations. Therefore, through theoretical methods and statistical committee previously conducted research on this issue, in these research methods are lacking, so this work aims to propose a technological innovation management method for tourist resorts. Thus, we have an approach to managing technological innovation in tourism destinations, expanding and integrating the indicators to be considered, and proposing the scale to measure the indicators. All of these provide the right tools for this purpose and facilitate the development of smart travel destinations.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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