Methodology for the integrated and intelligent management of tourist destinations in Manabí in Ecuador
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
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Objective: To systematize methodologies that harmonize the integrated and intelligent management of tourist destinations with geographic information, for timely and accurate decision making, contributing to quality in the context of the cantonal tourist territories of the province, Manabí-Ecuador.
Methodology/approach: The paradigms of tourism destination management that reconciles all participants, policies, components and parts of the system; expressed in an integrated management. The use of information and communication technologies in an intelligent management that welcomes tourists, communities and managers. Everything in tourism is tied to space and territory, the information systems that are used need to respond to the “where” by means of analysis tools and representation of the places.
Originality/Relevance: The sequence of steps of various methodologies and systematized theory, focus the integrated and intelligent management of tourist destinations, in the transit from the parts to the whole. In practice it implies, the voluntary participation of entrepreneurs, interested in the homogeneous improvement of tourism quality in the territory.
Main results: A theoretical model of the concepts that shape the understanding of the integrated and intelligent management of tourist destinations and territories for the improvement of quality. A methodology reconfigured from others, for the implementation of the theoretical model.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: Guidance for decision making in tourist territories and of understanding by entrepreneurs and managers, to revert the improvement of their businesses, in the homogeneous improvement of the tourist quality of the tourist territories and destinations of the province Manabí.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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