Virtual accessibility in smart tourism destinations: The cases of Curitiba and Malaga
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
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Smart tourism destinations innovate using technology as a management and planning tool, providing information for managers, community and tourists. The search for sustainable development occurs through participatory management, in which mobility, accessibility, and quality of life are allied to experiences in the destination, in order to satisfy residents and tourists. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate Curitiba and Malaga, in a comparative way, as an intelligent tourist destination, based on criteria of virtual accessibility. To this end, use was made of qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methods whose main data collection techniques were: Bibliographic and documental research, recording by means of an investigation script on tourism websites. The analyses were carried out by means of a theoretical-practical pairing. It was observed that both cities, Curitiba and Malaga, are developing actions with the objective of being recognized as intelligent tourist destinations, as to the criteria of virtual accessibility.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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