An exploratory analysis of the situation and future possibilities of Huatulco from the angle of smart destinations
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
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From the perspective of planning and managing smart destinations, this study presents an exploratory analysis of the present situation and possible future developments of the municipality of Santa Maria Huatulco (Oaxaca, Mexico). It starts with how smart tourism destinations are conceptualized and shows how this idea evolved from the idea of smart cities. Following an explanation of the technique, the four primary attributes of smart destinations—innovation, technology, sustainability, and accessibility—are next discussed. The presentation of two success stories—Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Tequila, Mexico—follows, highlighting the measures taken by these travel hotspots to guarantee the contentment of both locals and tourists. Subsequently, the four aforementioned criteria are used to qualitatively examine the municipality of Santa María Huatulco and its current situation. The paper concludes with some observations that go over the primary areas this municipality should focus on improving in order to become a smart tourist destination, along with the advantages of doing so.
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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