Development of mobile application prototype for smart tourism based on user-centered design
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
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In this paper, the implementation of ISO 9241-210:2010 (Human Centred Design for Interactive Systems) standard for the development of a mobile application is presented in order to strengthen the user experience when using the mobile application in situ. Following the phases that the standard dictates for the development and evaluation of software and hardware in order to obtain a working prototype, and at the end of the process a product. The implementation of the standard allowed to generate an initial prototype validated by real users (tourists), so that, for future work will be carried out using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and data analysis, these same, will complement this work, resulting in a fully validated and functional application for Smart Tourism. It should be noted that the purpose is to use User-Centered Design (UCD), thus achieving a high-fidelity prototype.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis C. Reveles-Gómez, Huizilopoztli Luna-García, José M. Celaya-Padilla, Hamurabi Gamboa-Rosales, Jorge I. Galván-Tejada, Carlos E. Galván-Tejada, José G. Arceo-Olague, Valeria Maeda-Gutiérrez, Joyce S. A. Lozano-Aguilar
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Prof. Hung-Che Wu
Nanfang College, Guangzhou
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