The physical and the virtual in urban tourist practices—The case of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mercedes González Bracco, Linda Kotschack

Article ID: 1706
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
Received: 20 November 2020; Accepted: 31 December 2020; Available online: 14 January 2021; Issue release: 30 April 2021

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In recent years, Buenos Aires has become one of the main destinations in Latin America. Promoted as the cultural capital of the region, attractive places to stroll around as well as cultural experiences are advertised to attract tourists. On the other hand, the practice of tourism has changed and the current traveler uses virtual tools that help him to know and interact with a tourist destination. Under these premises, this paper observes the role of the virtual and the physical/experiential in the construction of Buenos Aires as a tourist destination. In this sense, the question arises: What city is constructed by the websites, social networks and the tours that pass through it? How is this city physically and virtually practiced? Through the ethnographic and netnographic study that includes the inquiry of virtual media linked to local tourism and the observation of tours that travel through the city, the interaction of the physical and the virtual in tourist Buenos Aires will be analyzed. 


tourist city; Buenos Aires; physical; virtual


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