Disruptive tourism: Smart tourism routes

Santiago Patricio Pulla Pesantez, Adriana Lucila Ortega Echeverria, Kleber Patricio Castro Pacheco

Article ID: 1704
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/st.v2i2.1704
Received: 2 September 2021; Accepted: 5 October 2021; Available online: 21 October 2021; Issue release: 30 October 2021

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The present research aims to support the possible utilization of tourist routes and circuits in a smart way, for this purpose it is proposed to consolidate the usefulness of smart tourism territory, data visualization, data access in connectivity and sensorization infrastructures within a Smart Tourism Destination model. The objective is to understand the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies within a given space that generates information in real time of the natural and cultural tourist attractions, the accesses to them and the facilities at the time of leisure and recreation activities.  The proposed route model considers transcending in the current reality of the tourism sector, which is open to work in a multidisciplinary way with other sectors that propitiate the sustainable use of cultural and natural resources through the Internet of Things.


smart territory; routes; circuits; data visualization; Smart Tourism Destinations


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