Developing the wisdom of rural tourism and promoting the transformation and upgrading of Shangluo rural tourism industry

Longlong Liu

Article ID: 1693
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2020
Received: 12 Apirl 2020; Accepted: 27 May 2020; Available online: 12 June 2020; Issue release: 30 October 2020

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Tourism industry is one of the industries that promote the development of modern economy. Shangluo rural tourism is also developing slowly. Rural tourism improves the employment rate of farmers and drives the economic development of various places. With the rapid development of information technology in China, tourists travel in a variety of ways, and the needs of tourists are becoming more and more differentiated. Traditional rural tourism is difficult to meet the personalized needs of tourists. In such a social environment, Shangluo rural tourism should develop in the direction of smart tourism, so that we can quickly complete the intelligent development of Shangluo rural tourism and improve the development level of Shangluo rural tourism. Based on the background of the intelligent growth of rural tourism, this paper studies the current situation and problems of the intelligent development of rural tourism in Shangluo. It is concluded that there are still some problems in the intelligent development of Shangluo rural tourism, such as backward infrastructure, single website content, lack of talents related to Shangluo intelligent tourism, backward information technology and poor service quality of scenic spots. We should speed up the construction of Shangluo smart rural tourism and the industrial upgrading of Shangluo rural tourism from the aspects of government departments, tourism management departments, rural tourism communities and other departments.


intellectualization; rural tourism; Shangluo; development countermeasures


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