Research progress and enlightenment on the application of social media in tourism abroad

Min Peng, Xiaozhong Yang, Wenfeng Qu, Feifei Fan

Article ID: 1688
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
Received: 10 May 2021; Accepted: 22 June 2021; Available online: 8 July 2021; Issue release: 30 October 2021

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With the wide application of information technology in tourism, new technologies and applications have a profound impact on the development of tourism, and promote the transformation of tourism research paradigm. Based on social media and closely combined with the reality of tourism, based on the review, the studies on social media and travel abroad related definition, the types of social media from social media, social media impact on tourism subject and object, social media applications in tourism in four aspects has carried on the summary and review. It is found that the foreign research on social media and tourism is in a rapid development stage. The profound impact of social media on tourism has gradually been recognized by scholars, but the breadth and depth of research still need to be strengthened. Finally, relevant research enlightenment is proposed from the perspective of basic theory and practical application.


social media; travel blog; virtual tourism community; online travel reviews; review progress


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