Digital protection of traditional villages of “Retaining Homesickness”

Wenwu Zheng, Peilin Liu

Article ID: 1687
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
Received: 26 November 2019; Accepted: 20 January 2020; Available online: 4 February 2020; Issue release: 30 April 2020

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With the rapid disappearance of traditional villages, the traditional culture contained in them has been in jeopardy, and digital protection has become the international trend and necessary way to protect traditional culture. Under the new situation, “retaining homesickness” has become a realistic demand at the national level. Homesickness originates from the distance of time and space. The satisfaction of homesickness demands not only the protection of culture, but also higher requirements for digital technology. The main obstacles to the digital protection of traditional villages are the lack of mechanism and top-level design, the fragmentation of departments and disciplines, and the emphasis on “form” over “spirit” in digitalization. The key to solve the problem lies in the top-level design from the aspects of system and standard, choosing digital memory content based on landscape gene theory, and designing virtual tourism products that meet the needs of homesickness by taking virtual tourism as the service form.


retain homesickness; digital protection of traditional villages; virtual tourism; nostalgia digital memory


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