Application of new technologies on tourism development in the context of big data

Junai Zhang

Article ID: 1630
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
Received: 21 May 2021; Accepted: 27 June2021; Available online: 13 July 2021; Issue release: 30 October 2021

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In order to cope with the pressure and challenges brought by the growing number of tourists in China, the development of big data and related electronic information technology provides new opportunities for the operation and management of scenic spots. On the premise of analyzing the relevant background of big data, the advantages of the application of big data in the management of tourist attractions, tourism marketing, tourism operation status and the shaping of tourist reputation are proposed, which provides technical support, data support and intellectual support for the realization of efficient operation, management, analysis, prediction and evaluation of scenic spots. Combining with the application status of big data in the tourism industry, firstly, the paper proposes to establish a data storage and management system based on cloud computing technology, which provides high-performance services for the storage and management of tourism big data. Secondly, it promotes the application of Internet of Things technology in tourism and realizes the intelligent management of tourist attractions. The third is the establishment of the travel information center service platform, for the calculation and processing of data, massive high data access and query to provide a guarantee. The fourth is the establishment of a protection system for tourism data security through active defense, physical isolation and other technical means to provide multi-level and all-round protection for tourism data security.


tourism industry; big data; cloud computing; the Internet of things; information security


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