Global insights, local realities: BGI challenges and opportunities in Indian urbanization
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
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This study provides a global perspective on the status of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) and investigates the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation in the urban landscape of India. The research delves into the multifaceted realm of BGI by first elucidating its current status worldwide. It explores how cities globally, amidst expanding urbanization and escalating environmental challenges, have recognized the importance of BGI as a pivotal strategy. The paper then narrows its focus to the specific challenges and opportunities confronting Indian cities in the adoption and integration of BGI. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, global policy frameworks, and pertinent case studies, the study aims to unravel the complex interplay that governs BGI implementation in the Indian urban context. This dual approach ensures a nuanced understanding of both the global context and the specific challenges and opportunities faced by urban India in the realm of Blue-Green Infrastructure.
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