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About This Journal
Focus and ScopeCardiac and Cardiovascular Research (CCR) is a journal dedicated to the publication of original and groundbreaking research in the field of cardiovascular science and medicine. This journal aims to augment the scientific understanding and clinical management of cardiac and vascular pathologies, thereby contributing to advancements in the treatment of these prevalent disease states. Our publication scope encompasses a broad range of basic science investigations as well as cutting-edge clinical research, ensuring that the findings disseminated reach the widest possible audience of researchers and clinicians. The journal will specifically address the following topics but not limited to:
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Article Processing Charges (APCs)APACSCI's publishing model is open access. Open access enables readers to freely access and download articles immediately after publication online. APACSCI charges authors article processing charges (APCs) so as to cover operation costs, such as those arising from the evaluation and production processes. APCs should be paid upon the acceptance of articles and ahead of publication. APCs of Cardiac and Cardiovascular Research are US$800. Waiver and Discount Policy APACSCI believes there should be no barriers to the dissemination of knowledge, and thus APACSCI offers APC waivers and discounts to authors from low-income countries and authors with special circumstances. Authors should write to the editorial office of the specific journal to apply for waivers and discounts. The decision to approve such applications is made by the editorial office on a case-by-case basis. APC PaymentPayments for APC of this journal can be made through our online PayPal payment gateway. Enter the article no. into the below textbox and select "Pay Now" to proceed with payment. *Article No. is mandatory for payment and it can be found on the acceptance letter issued by the Editorial Office. Payment without indicating Article No. will result in processing problem and delay in article processing. Please note that payments will be processed in USD. You can make payment through Masters, Visa or UnionPay card. |
Prof. Prakash Deedwania
University of California,
San Francisco, United States