A novel tucker decomposition driven taxi travel demand forecasting algorithm
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2024
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This research aims to enhance taxi travel demand forecasting for sustainable urban traffic management and planning. We extend the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model into a high-dimensional tensor form by treating the urban transport network as a Euclidean space and introducing Tucker decomposition. This novel approach, both theoretically significant and practically applicable, represents time series data as tensors to better capture multimodal structures and correlations, improving predictive accuracy. Tucker decomposition reduces computational complexity and memory requirements, making it ideal for large-scale urban traffic network prediction. Experiments on six real-world datasets show that the model’s MAE and RMSE are reduced by about 39.43% and 27.01% on average, respectively, compared to the baseline model. Notably, the model is computationally very efficient and takes only a relatively short time to train., suitable for real-time traffic management, congestion mitigation, and resource optimization. In summary, this work innovates time series analysis, providing an efficient and precise tool for urban traffic management and planning, contributing to sustainable urban transportation advancement.
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Prof. Youssri Hassan Youssri
Cairo University, Egypt
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