Regularization of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in an unbounded domain

Davron Aslonqulovich Juraev, Nazira Mohubbat Mammadzada, Juan Diaz Bulnes, Shashi Kant Gupta, Gulsum Allahyar Aghayeva, Vagif Rza Ibrahimov

Article ID: 2895
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 20 August 2024; Accepted: 13 October 2024; Available online: 4 November 2024; Issue release: 15 November 2024

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In this paper, a regularized solution to the Cauchy problem for matrix factorization of the Helmholtz equation in a three-dimensional unbounded domain is constructed explicitly based on the Carleman matrix. When solving applied problems, in addition to an approximate solution, the derivative of the approximate solution is found. It is assumed that the solution to the problem exists and is continuously differentiable in a closed domain with precisely specified Cauchy data. An explicit formula for continuing the solution and its derivative is established, as well as a regularization formula for the case when, under the specified conditions, instead of the original Cauchy data, their continuous approximations with a specified error in the uniform metric are given. As a result, the stability of the solution to the Cauchy problem in the classical sense is estimated.


ill-posed tasks; the Cauchy problem; conditional correctness; explicit formula; unbounded domain


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Copyright (c) 2024 Davron Aslonqulovich Juraev, Nazira Mohubbat Mammadzada, Juan Diaz Bulnes, Shashi Kant Gupta, Gulsum Allahyar Aghayeva, Vagif Rza Ibrahimov

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