Correlating critical current density, quench protection, relaxation time and entropy in superconductors after disturbances—Intermediate summary
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2024
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This paper summarizes results recently obtained from simulation of transient temperature excursions in filamentary and thin film superconductors. Under multi-component heat transfer in the complicated conductor cross sections and materials composition of present High Temperature Superconductors, numerical, Finite Element and Monte Carlo simulations are applied to solve Fourier’s differential equation with high spatial and temporal resolution. The overall aim was to encircle the quench problem in superconductors and to provide new stability criteria from correlations between superconductor critical current density, density of electron pairs, and relaxation time and entropy. Relaxation, correlation and entropy analysis presented in this paper extends the spectrum of standard methods to avoid quench to a new tool. As results, quench starts always locally, and as a highlight of this investigation, a second “critical” temperature, TQuench, has been identified that with high probability exists below standard critical temperature. Entropy is the driving force for relaxation of the superconductor to new equilibrium after a disturbance.
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Prof. Youssri Hassan Youssri
Cairo University, Egypt
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