CORE: Counteracting overwhelming requests effectively—A method for interest flooding attack mitigation in NDNoT
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2024
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The Named Data Network (NDN) is a promising architecture for the near future. NDN communicates by naming data, unlike IP-based Internet architecture. Architectural understandability, ease of use, security, content presentation, and simplicity of data exchange logic make this architecture preferable. The NDNoT approach, which recently combines IoT and NDN, enables Internet of Things applications using NDN naming conventions and basic data structure. However, increasing technological applications bring security vulnerabilities. In this study, we propose a new method called CORE that will secure the intended data transfer. The presented CORE mechanism was developed as a countermeasure against the Interest Flooding attack, one of the NDN security attacks. Tests were carried out in the Cooja simulation environment using three different topology scenarios. CORE’s performance metrics were evaluated based on success rate, average delay, and interest traffic. The results showed that when the CORE mechanism was active, there was an improvement in the success rate and average delay. In terms of interest traffic, at least a 70% success rate was achieved compared to scenarios in which the CORE mechanism was not operated.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sedat Bilgili, Gökçe Ertit, Alper Kamil Demir
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Prof. Maode Ma
Qatar University, Qatar
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