Design and implementation of novel 6G cellular communication architecture using 3D modelling in real environments
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2024
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Academics and businesses alike are presently fixated on the Sixth Generation (6G) network, which is seen as the telecom industry’s next major game-changer. The 6G architecture has not been finalized and is not yet being used in commercial settings. Research and development for 6G is still in its early stages. Several important features and technologies have surfaced as possible 6G system underpinnings, while development is still in its early phases. To facilitate the next generation of 3D modeling applications, this article suggests a new 6G cellular communication architecture. Aware of 6G’s revolutionary potential, we investigate its fundamental features to build a collaborative, real-time 3D modeling environment with unmatched capabilities. The goal of this project is to design the architecture for the next generation of communications systems. This will incorporate elements from two existing designs: the decoupled RAN design, which improves security and smooth data sorting, and the high-level design, which incorporates numerous protocols inside the antenna for stringent protection. Lastly, we delve into the possible sector-specific disruptions caused by this design and examine its wider implications for the future of 3D modeling. We hope that by introducing this new 6G architecture, we may inspire more study and development towards a day when 6G technology completely changes the game when it comes to 3D modeling.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmood A. Al-Shareeda, Muhammad Majid Al-Phryggy, Ali Abd Khadim Al-Kashani, Haider Adnan Al-Jaber, Jabbar Deyaa Al-Moussawi
License URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Prof. Maode Ma
Qatar University, Qatar
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