Adaptive beamforming approach for secure communication in 5G network

Arunima Sharma

Article ID: 2628
Vol 2, Issue 3, 2024
VIEWS - 151 (Abstract)

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The beamforming approach has been emerging as a very important concept for next generation networks. In addition to the improved channel capacity, spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, secrecy rate and secrecy outage probability, the upcoming fifth generation network mainly aims at enhancing the parameters of the channel for secure communication. In this paper, we have implied the allocation of resource blocks adaptively using HMM with a beamforming approach in an intruded network. A system model for secure communication in an intruded network has been discussed using a beamforming approach with the main motive being to provide a security scenario to the data which is transmitted over an unsecured channel in a network. In addition to this we have used the approach of HMM for allocating the resource blocks to the users which have been demanded and applied in order to avoid the intrusion and wastage of resource blocks.


5G; beamforming; HMM; resource blocks; spectral and energy efficiency; secrecy outage probability


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