Artificial neural network-based home energy management system for smart homes

Abdullahi Ijala, Olabode Idowu-Bismark, Jemitola Olugbeji, Ali Obadiah, Oluseun Oyeleke

Article ID: 2372
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2024
Received: 10 November 2023; Accepted: 28 December 2023; Available online: 12 January 2024; Issue release: 30 March 2024

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Energy efficiency is widely recognized as one of the most significant and economical ways to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aims and goals are that smart meters can evaluate and communicate in-depth real-time electricity usage, enable remote real-time monitoring and management of power consumption, and provide consumers with real-time pricing and analyzed usage information. The house energy management controller decides which loads will be powered based on the real home energy demands and the predefined load priorities. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used increasingly in control applications due to its great effectiveness and efficiency. As a result, in this work, the author designed, simulated, and optimized an artificial neural network-based model simulation framework that simulates a home with a variety of home appliances and optimizes the total energy consumption of the home realistically through intelligent control of home appliances. The MATLAB application was used to model and examine the performance of four common household appliances: the water heater (WH), washing machine (WM), air conditioner (AC), and refrigerator (RG). The result shows a considerable reduction and savings in energy consumption without a decrease in consumer comfort.


home energy management; smart home; artificial neural network; energy consumption; energy saving


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