Slot fed circularly polarized magneto-electric dipole antenna array fed by optimized printed microstrip gap waveguide network
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2024
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A compact, circularly polarized 8 × 8 antenna array is designed for the 60 GHz band. The array comprises circularly polarized magneto-electric dipoles (CP-ME-Dipole) excited by narrow slots. The slots are fed by a printed gap waveguide (PGWG) cooperative network optimized based on the termination of the effective impedance of the array elements. Thus, it accounts for the space mutual coupling of the antenna elements. A procedure based on the full-wave analysis of a 4 ´ 4 array is used to estimate each element’s 8 × 8 array effective port impedance. The cooperative feeding network is designed based on the known effective impedances. The array is divided into two half subarrays out of phase from each other, and a rectangular waveguide feeds both sides. The commonly measured bandwidth of 18.3% achieves return loss better than 10 dB and an axial ratio below 3 dB (AR) of less than 3 dB. A maximum gain of 26.2 dBic with a high radiation efficiency of 82% radiation efficiency.
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Prof. Maode Ma
Qatar University, Qatar
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