The latest edition of the Author Guidelines introduces a new manuscript format to standardize the layout for papers published in the journal of Computer and Telecommunication Engineering. This revision is designed to offer clear formatting instructions for authors submitting their work to our journal. Effective from Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024, new version of template will be enforced. We kindly request that you consult the Author Guidelines thoroughly and ensure that your manuscript adheres to the journal's editorial and publication policies. In line with the updated guidelines, authors are now required to disclose their individual contributions within the online PDF version of their research articles. Furthermore, we have introduced improvements to the layout style to enhance the aesthetic quality and readability of the documents, ensuring a more engaging experience for our readers.

Prof. Maode Ma
Qatar University, Qatar
The field of computer and telecommunications engineering is rapidly advancing, with the following being some of the latest developments.
We are pleased to congratulate the first anniversiry of the journal of Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CTE).
Owing to the tireless dedication of the editor-in-chief, editorial board members, and the in-house editorial team, we are proud to announce the successful online launch of the first issue of Computer and Telecommunication Engineering.
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