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Research on the Influencing Factors of the E-commerce Adoption Behavior of New Agricultural Business Entities under the TAM Model
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2023
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Based on the theoretical model of technology acceptance, this paper uses 372 questionnaire data to explore the influencing factors of the e-commerce adoption behavior of new agricultural business entities. The results show that: (1) Among the factors affecting the e-commerce adoption behavior of new agricultural business entities, perceived usefulness has the strongest impact, followed by perceived ease of use, and its standardized impact path coefficients are 0.81 and 0.20, respectively; (2) Perceived ease of use Usability not only positively affects the e-commerce adoption attitude of new agricultural business entities, but also positively affects the perceived usefulness of new agricultural business entities; (3) The e-commerce adoption attitude of new agricultural business entities positively affects their adoption behavior. Therefore, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions to improve the willingness of new agricultural business entities to adopt e-commerce, and then guide the sustainable development of e-commerce platforms.
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Zhibiao Gao
Nankai University, China