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Research on the Relationship and Evolution of Regional Agglomeration of China's Construction Industry
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2023
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The research on the regional correlation of construction industry is of great significance to optimize China's construction industry structure and promote regional development. Taking 31 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) in China from 2011 to 2020 as the object, this paper studies the regional correlation and evolution of construction industry by using the methods of social network analysis and GIS spatial analysis. The research shows that: (1) in recent 10 years, there has been a social network correlation in China's construction industry agglomeration, which presents a development situation of “high in the East, low in the west, high in the South and low in the north”. (2) Beijing and Tianjin are at the core of the network of construction industry agglomeration and have strong independence. (3) China presents four distinct agglomerative subgroups.
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Zhibiao Gao
Nankai University, China