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Collaborative decision-making on preservation cost control of litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2021
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Litchi is a kind of fruit with high demand for freshness, and the freshness of litchi is lost very quickly. There is no cooperative decision -making mechanism for litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou, and the members of the supply chain make decisions independently in most cases. The members of the supply chain make decisions based on their own interests, so that the freshness of litchi cannot be well controlled, and the overall benefit of litchi supply chain cannot be maximized. On the basis of analyzing the supply chain structure and the preservation cost of litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou, this paper demonstrates the necessity of collaborative decision-making on preservation cost control of litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou through an example, and put forward to implement the collaborative decision-making on preservation cost control of litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou by constructing the collaborative decision-making platform of litchi supply chain in Zhangzhou.
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Zhibiao Gao
Nankai University, China