Research on the causes of flood disasters in typical cities on the mainstream of the Beijiang River: Taking the “22.6” catastrophic flood of the Beijiang River as an example
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2025
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In recent years, urban flood disasters in China have become increasingly serious. In mid-June 2022, the northern part of Guangdong Province was affected by continuous rainfall, and floods occurred in many rivers in the upper and middle reaches of the Beijiang River in the Pearl River Basin, causing serious floods in many cities, villages, and towns in the basin. Based on the rain and flood processes of these flood disasters and analyses of the specific disaster situations of three typical cities, this paper deeply analyzes the urban water system, vertical topography, etc. The main and secondary causes of flood disasters in the three cities are studied, and the deficiencies in the expansion of cities under different natural geographical conditions are explored through comparisons to address flood disasters. This work provides a basis for the cities to establish flood control systems that are integrated, systematic, and adapted to local conditions.
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