A study on the green transformation path of industrial heritage from the perspective of user experience: A case study of Jiangsu Garden Expo Park
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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With the advancement of economic structural transformation and urban renewal, the green transformation of industrial heritage sites is increasingly recognized as one of the key strategies for promoting sustainable urban development. Taking Jiangsu Garden Expo Park as an example, this study thoroughly explores the impact of the green transformation of industrial heritage sites on user experience and the relationship between user value perception, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Based on the experience economy theory, the study classifies user experiences into four types: education, aesthetics, entertainment, and escapism, and examines how these experiences affect users’ functional perceived value, emotional perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. The results of the study show that educational, aesthetic, and escapist experiences have a significant positive effect on users’ emotional perceived value, while functional perceived value has a stronger effect on satisfaction than emotional perceived value. User satisfaction has a significant positive effect on behavioral intention, which suggests that enhancing user experience play a greater role in promoting positive user behaviour towards green transformation of industrial heritage sites. This study also provides recommendations for developing public participation, improving infrastructure development, cultivating spiritual connotations, and promoting cultural innovation to help the green transformation and tourism development of industrial heritage sites. The findings of this study provide certain theoretical basis and practical guidance for the green transformation of industrial heritage sites, explain the importance of optimising the development of industrial heritage sites from the perspective of user experience, and hopefully provide constructive suggestions for enhancing the attractiveness and sustainability of industrial heritage sites.
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