Sustainable micro renewal and renovation of arts town in China: Intermingling design of contemporary art and Chinese classical garden
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
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The gardening philosophy of Chinese classical gardens is an integral part of China’s rich traditional culture, reflecting ancient scholars’ understanding of nature and humanity and embodying aesthetic and philosophical values. With the progression of time, integrating the principles of Chinese classical garden gardening into contemporary space design has emerged as a critical issue in contemporary public space design. This study uses the Butong Arts Town in Qinhuangdao as a case study, focusing on applying Chinese classical garden gardening concepts in public space design and regional micro-renovation. Special attention is given to nodes that simultaneously serve interactive and recreational functions. In the micro-renovation of the Butong Arts Town area, Chinese classical garden gardening principles can be employed through greening, landscaping, and other means to enhance the quality of the space. Additionally, by integrating local cultural characteristics, it is possible to create public spaces with distinct regional features, providing a comfortable and pleasant environment for artists, designers, planners, and tourists. The design methods used in this study explore the behavioral characteristics and usage needs of various groups from multiple perspectives, aiming to optimize activity spaces. This research identifies the main issues within the target areas and proposes corresponding improvement measures to enhance the functionality and aesthetic quality of the space. The aim is to integrate people’s growing spiritual pursuits with public activity spaces, providing new references and ideas for future sustainable space design.
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