Impact of LULC spatial dynamics on incompatible mixed land use in Kaduna: A remote sensing and GIS risk analysis

Kamil Muhammad Kafi, Suraj Ibrahim, Fatima Umar Aliyu, Mashkurah Ahmed Usman, Kemi Hamdat Olugbodi

Article ID: 2818
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2024
Received: 9 July 2024; Accepted: 27 August 2024; Available online: 10 September 2024; Issue release: 30 December 2024

VIEWS - 141 (Abstract)

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This study assesses the spatio-temporal changes and the impact of urbanization leading to unchecked development within Kaduna city. By utilizing satellite remote sensing data and land use maps of Kaduna, the investigation focused on how the city has expanded over the years and the resultant spurring of incompatible land uses, where residential and commercial uses are increasingly mixed with industrial zones. Using LULC analysis, the results revealed that Kaduna has experienced a 145% increase in urban area between 2001–2014, with the expansion primarily occurring in the southern part of Kaduna metropolis. A change map showing different degrees of increase and decrease in land cover classes was obtained from the post-classification comparison. Using buffer analysis, the study identified and mapped risk zones that represent areas highly susceptible to adverse effects of industrial pollution in the study area. Notably, the Kakuri industrial area has seen significant new incompatible residential and commercial developments, and areas surrounding the Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company (KRPC refinery) have witnessed the proliferation of high-density residential neighborhoods such as Sabon Tasha, Maraba, and Romi. Additionally, other areas such as Mando and Western Bypass are experiencing a mixture of industrial, residential, and commercial activities. These findings underscore the need for effective urban planning and land use management to address the challenges posed by rapid urban expansion and mixed land use in Kaduna.


urban expansion; land use change; zoning; urban planning


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