Unveiling speculators in Addis Ababa: Insights, recommendations, and economic implications for sustainable development

Bedane S. Gemeda, Giuseppe T. Cirella, Birhanu G. Abebe, Fekede T. Gemeda

Article ID: 2723
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ec.v4i2.2723
VIEWS - 45 (Abstract)


Land speculation poses a significant challenge in Ethiopia, particularly in urban and peri-urban areas where large acquisitions and land scarcity prevail. This study aims to discern land speculators in Addis Ababa by employing the motivation and scale method to optimize societal benefits. Employing a multi-sourced data approach and triangulation techniques, this research enhances data reliability. Primary data sourced from interviews, focus groups, and field surveys, supplemented by secondary data from various literature, spanning October 2021 to January 2023, forms the basis of the analysis. Results indicate that affluent individuals, brokers, bankers, and local government officials dominate land speculation activities in both urban core and periphery areas of Addis Ababa, perpetuating the unfair exclusion of lower-income groups from land ownership. To address this issue, three key recommendations are proposed: implementing a one-person, one-plot statute, imposing high property value taxes, and enforcing temporal restrictions on land development. Additionally, exploring the economic and business ramifications of these recommendations on investment patterns and market dynamics is crucial for ensuring their sustained effectiveness in fostering sustainable development.


cooperative ownership; land hoarding; land speculation; Land Use Act; market dynamics; policy effectiveness; socio-spatial inequalities; urban land distribution

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