A study of climate resilience in urban tree species of Peninsular Malaysia

Sofia Castelo, Jamie A. Carr, Shamsul Khamis, Melissa Sivaraj, Tainan Messina

Article ID: 2685
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ec.v5i1.2685
VIEWS - 148 (Abstract)

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Climate change poses significant challenges to Malaysian cities, including heat stress, which high humidity and the urban heat island effect exacerbate. While trees effectively reduce temperatures and improve microclimates, potential sensitivities to climate change impacts require careful species selection. Experts assessed the resilience of 220 tree species from urban and rural areas of Malaysia using eight criteria, based on a list compiled from four sources. We then categorised the species by sensitivity for four urban landscape types. Saltwater sensitivity had the highest proportion of sensitive species, followed by inundation sensitivity. Considering regional climate projections, planners should prioritise species with low inundation sensitivity. Data availability for saltwater, inundation, and high-temperature sensitivities was limited but adequate for the remaining criteria, with susceptibility to predation, parasitism, or disease, and sensitivity to storm conditions being of concern. Urban planners should integrate these criteria into decision-making to ensure climate-smart urban design. Given that our knowledge about the effects of climate change on tree species will advance and should be documented, we developed an open-collaborative online database that assists stakeholders in selecting suitable species for various sites in Malaysia. Moderators will review submissions to ensure consistent application of criteria and alignment between selected answers and supporting information. Assessors can contribute to quality control by voting for assessments they agree with. Our research emphasises the importance of proactively addressing climate change challenges in urban areas and underscores the value of informed decision-making to enhance the resilience of urban tree populations.


climate adaptation; climate vulnerability; species selection; trait-based approach; tree database; urban forest


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Copyright (c) 2024 Sofia Castelo, Jamie A. Carr, Shamsul Khamis, Melissa Sivaraj, Tainan Messina

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