Analysing the drivers of smart city implementation using DEMATEL method

Kaushiki Shankar Gohil, Shefali Srivastava

Article ID: 2674
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2023
Received: 13 September 2023; Accepted: 17 November 2023; Available online: 25 November 2023; Issue release: 30 December 2023

VIEWS - 139 (Abstract)

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Indian cities are becoming more and more populated, and the technological, environmental, social, political, and economic infrastructure of those cities is deteriorating, necessitating the development of more innovative methods to enhance public utilities and services. The growth of smart cities encourages the creation of a stable, networked, and sustainable metropolitan structure. The “100 Smart Cities Mission” was started by the Indian government to encourage planned development. However, there is also a literature of criticisms of the indicators used by the smart city mission. A thorough investigation is necessary to identify the critical infrastructure, important resources, and development patterns for smart city planning. The purpose of my study is to achieve and move towards Smart City Mission goals in a holistic framework. This research paper proposes a weighted criteria to assess the eligibility factors identified from the literature studies of the Smart City Mission, to analyze the complex relationships among the indicators, to develop a holistic approach, and to classify factors based on the drivers of dependence and implementation. The findings of this study shed light on the key drivers and barriers to the implementation of smart city initiatives. The DEMATEL method provided a valuable tool for analyzing the complex interrelationships between different factors and identifying the most influential drivers. The results can guide policymakers, city managers, and other stakeholders in developing more effective strategies for smart city implementation. However, the study also highlights the need for further research to explore the context-specific factors that may affect the drivers of smart city implementation in different regions and cities. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of literature on smart cities and provides practical insights for decision-makers seeking to promote sustainable and inclusive urban development.


smart cities; urban development; DEMATEL method; infrastructure; criticisms; weighted criteria; implementation drivers


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