Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation: A perspective on challenges, potential and limitations

Adriano Bressane, Rogério Galante Negri, Liliam César de Castro Medeiros

Article ID: 2499
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2024
VIEWS - 228 (Abstract)

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This opinion article delves into the critical role of nature-based solutions (NbS) for climate change mitigation. Despite their recognized potential, the multifaceted challenges of NbS remain complex and under-explored. Both potential and limitations are discussed, including economic, social, and political considerations. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach and adaptation to diverse socioeconomic and cultural contexts to ensure equitable implementation of NbS is highlighted. This brief but critical perspective seeks to enrich the academic view and provide actionable insights for urban planners and policymakers. Finally, it proposes directions for future studies for researchers in the fields of sustainable urban development and climate change mitigation.


resilience; sustainability; climate change; anthropocene; urbanization


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