Measuring the positive effects of the pandemic disease in the environmental planning of healthy cities
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
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The city as a living system and a dynamic structure throughout history, from birth to the present day, has shown a flexible attitude to the challenges ahead and has been constantly trying to overcome the challenges and reproduce its elements for the opportunity to become efficient and usable in the future. In the face of the corona pandemic challenge, the city has acted in the same way, shown reciprocal behavior, and tried to overcome this crisis effectively. Therefore, city planners and managers must approach the healthy city and its elements with a different approach and perspective. Apart from the destructive effects it has had on the human body and soul, the corona pandemic has also changed the quality of life in cities and their environments so much that new living patterns have been formed and some of the past structures have been discarded. For this purpose, after studying the literature review and the international experiences, the dimensions, factors, and effective indicators of the corona pandemic have been identified. The present study is a descriptive-analytical type, and the desired findings have been explained through a questionnaire using quantitative and qualitative methods and confirmatory factor analysis tools. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of healthy cities has been compromised. It has unveiled the need to give more prominence to caring tasks while addressing intersectional social inequities and environmental injustices. The results of the analysis indicate that 14 indicators including lifestyle changes and health protocols, increase in virtual socialization, reduction of inequality among different groups of people in access to the internet, promotion, and expansion of digital tourism (virtual trips), starting development of apps and start-ups, increasing small-scale commercial markets, upgrading medical equipment, increasing countries interaction in the field of health, the importance of planting trees, using public transportation, increasing public transportation capacity, designing more open and green spaces in the city, more attention to deprived areas and slums and redesign of public spaces based on the prevailing conditions will provide positive effects during the pandemic of Tehran. Therefore, in order to improve and enhance the quality of life in healthy cities, especially during pandemics, suggestions have been made.
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