Feasibility and effects of GIS-based municipal solid waste vehicle routing for Bahrain
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
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In the realm of waste management, efficient route optimisation for municipal solid waste (MSW) collection is becoming increasingly crucial, particularly for developing nations with budgetary considerations. This study leverages the capabilities of the geographic information system (GIS) and integrates the Dijkstra algorithm to enhance route optimisation for MSW vehicles in Bahrain. Utilising comprehensive local vehicle routing data from Urbaser and applying GIS methodologies, three distinct areas in Bahrain were methodically analysed. The results revealed a notable 55% reduction in travel distance, a 17% decrease in time, and a yearly fuel cost saving of 6405 BHD (16,974 USD) in the optimal scenario. Given these findings, the potential applicability of this optimisation algorithm extends beyond Bahrain, suggesting significant benefits for regions with similar challenges. To further refine this approach, the integration of real-time traffic data into the routing algorithm is recommended. Other additions to the optimization process could include additional parameters such as safety.
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