Sustainable urban rights
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021
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This paper aims to study behavior in the urban environment. In the city, because any intervention will have a global impact on it, it reflects the rights of the city, such as the right of citizens to participate in determining their future, in order to achieve a fairer order of things. On the other hand, the issue of incorporating the concept of sustainable development into our law is being studied, which means promoting action in the urban environment, focusing on the restoration, regeneration, and reform of existing cities rather than the construction of new cities. In this regard, mainstreaming sustainable development means a Copernican transformation of land policy, which is no longer a resource but the first natural resource as always. As mentioned earlier, actions in the urban environment include restoration and renewal. Therefore, the focus of the work is to study the so-called actions in the urban environment. Through these actions, we can innovate urban planning and occupy free or public spaces to improve accessibility. House, wait. There is little originality in the legal system, while the provisions on the participation and implementation of actions strongly review the compensation system of urban legislation and finally study urban recovery operations and relocation and return operations.
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