Green urban planning opportunities in northeastern Argentina: Urban resistance

Mario Ruben Berent, Geraldine Horñachek, Aníbal Bennato

Article ID: 1853
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
Received: 5 January 2022; Accepted: 21 February 2022; Available online: 9 March 2022; Issue release: 30 June 2022

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This work is carried out within the framework of sgcyt approved research project “environment and sustainability in architecture and cities” (PI c007-2013). It aims to explore the planning of an intermediate city with innovative concepts or optics, understand its relationship with natural physical support, and find mechanisms to solve a large number of complex aspects of urban problems after appropriate diagnosis. Taking urban underground engineering as an example and based on the actual work of A5 UPC, this paper makes a useful reference. It identifies four categories and proposes planning guidelines based on landscape environmental standards as the main tool for urban improvement.


urban planning; sustainability; nature


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