The analysis of knowledge visualization of the status of international entrepreneurship research—Based on view of the method of co-word analysis

Zhenliang Xu, Yuna Zhao, Wenxia Zhou

Article ID: 1847
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022
VIEWS - 76 (Abstract)


Based on the perspective of the keyword co-word network, firstly, the total number and scale of keyword relationships are measured. Secondly, the centrality of the keyword-co-word network is analyzed, including point degree centrality, point middle centrality, point proximity centrality, and point feature vector centrality. Thirdly, the k-kernel analysis of the keyword-co-word network is carried out. Finally, some meaningful research conclusions at the forefront of international eco-city research from 1961 to 2011 are drawn.


ecological city; research frontier; co-word analysis; knowledge graph

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