Comprehensive evaluation of eco city construction based on principal component analysis—Take Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province as an example

Jie Xiao, Guozhang Zheng, Yue Luo

Article ID: 1838
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2021
VIEWS - 67 (Abstract)


In order to explore the development of ecological city in Shangluo City, principal component analysis and evaluation index system are used to analyze the overall development level, coordination degree of various subsystems, development level and influencing factors of Shangluo ecological city construction, in order to provide constructive suggestions for regional development and planning of Shangluo City. Research shows: From 2005 to 2015, the construction of Shangluo eco city showed a trend of differentiation, with good economic and environmental development, while the social construction developed slowly, and the economy, society and environment could not develop harmoniously. In the process of building a good, coordinated and unified ecological city in Shangluo, we need to be based on reality, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, maximize the healthy and efficient development of economy and society in Shangluo, and better take the road of sustainable development.


ecological city; principal component analysis; comprehensive evaluation; Shangluo

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