Quality evaluation of low carbon ecological city based on development stage—Take Shandong Province as an example
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2020
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Aiming at the problems existing in the current evaluation of low-carbon ecological city, based on the comprehensive interpretation of the scientific law of the development of low-carbon ecological city, this paper distinguishes the path index and evaluation index, constructs the evaluation index system of low-carbon ecological city according to the evaluation index, adopts the quadrant method, establishes a set of technical methods for the evaluation of low-carbon ecological city based on the development law and development stage, and makes an empirical analysis with Shandong Province as an example. The results show that Shandong has crossed the peak of the inverted U-shaped curve of carbon emission intensity, but it is still in the rising period on the left of per capita carbon emission and total carbon emission; According to the situation of each city, there are 10 cities of high-carbon development type. Most cities have entered the critical period of low-carbon ecological transformation and development. The high low-carbon index of some cities has a great relationship with the low level of economic development, and they are in the primary development stage of low-carbon and low economy.
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