Environmental ethics support for eco city construction

Guowen Zhou, Shuangshuang Li

Article ID: 1827
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/ec.v1i2.1827
VIEWS - 98 (Abstract)


The modern city based on the principle of anthropocentrism has caused many urban environmental problems, resulting in the contradiction between man and nature gradually developing into a state of binary opposition, and promoting the urban ecosystem to be on the verge of danger. On the basis of deep reflection on modern urban environmental problems, eco city construction came into being and developed rapidly. Eco city is an urban development model to solve the current urban environmental crisis and realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, man and man, man and societyeco city has internal consistency with environmental ethics, which contains the environmental ethics of non anthropocentrism, sustainable development and environmental justice, environmental ethics guides the construction of ecological city and is an important support for the construction of ecological city. First of all, environmental ethical values such as environmental ethical values, environmental ethical codes of ethics and environmental ethical beliefs provide theoretical support for the construction of ecological citysecondly, environmental ethical practices such as ecological ethical culture, ecological moral education, low-carbon economic model and ecological ethical legal system provide practical support for the construction of ecological cities.


ecological city; ecological consciousness; ecological moral education; low carbon economy; green consumption; environmental ethics and legal system

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