Medellin: City of crossroads—Poverty, urban model and social change of the green belt project
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
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Over the years, Medellin has faced a series of problems that hinder its clear vision for the future, which will make it more than drug trafficking and prostitution in the world. However, Medellin and many of its residents are currently acting to obtain better material conditions and facilitate the lives of their residents, who continue to suffer from appalling poverty, marginalization and violence due to the vulnerability of the state in vast territorial areas. Despite this difficult cultural landscape, the city has made far-reaching efforts, albeit limited, to improve Medellin’s observed prospects, so today it is considered an example of urban and social transformation in Latin America. In this way, large-scale projects such as green space and garden around the city have begun to overcome the extreme violence and decentralization of the state in recent years, which has enabled cities to expand to areas where human life and the environment are at high risk.
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