Nantes vs Shenzhen: Comparison and reflection on the development characteristics of green cities in France and China
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2020
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Under the background that all countries in the world are facing the environmental pollution brought by the industrial revolution, the concept of sustainable development provides a new direction for the economic development of all countries. For cities that are both the center of human activities and the source of environmental pollution, green reform has become a key measure for countries to practice the concept of sustainable development, so green cities came into being. Under the guidance of national policies and in combination with its own characteristics, Nantes of France has successfully completed the transformation of a green city in less than 20 years through the green art transformation of transportation and public space of Shenzhen. China also relies on high technology to continuously reform and innovate in industrial structure, greening, haze control and water control, so as to realize the transformation of green city. The successful green city construction experience of the two cities provides reference for the development of green cities all over the world.
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