Ants associated with dry forest fragments and urban environments in Santa Marta, Colombia

Lina María Ramos Ortega, Hubert Sierra, Johan D. Roncallo, Roberto J. Guerrero

Article ID: 2118
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022

VIEWS - 63 (Abstract)


A publicly accessible database of ants associated with dry forest fragments and urban environments in Santa Marta, Colombia, is presented through the Colombian Biodiversity Information System (SIB). Capture methods included the installation of pitfall traps, protein and carbohydrate baits, extraction by the Winkler method of ants associated with leaf litter and manual collection of ants foraging on tree vegetation. The dataset contains 54 323 records, distributed in seven subfamilies, 42 genera, 88 species and nine morphospecies. This list is a tool to encourage the study and conservation of ants in urban areas.


biodiversity conservation; urban ecology; exotic species; formicidae. ecological patterns

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