Ethno-education: Health education based on cultural diversity cultural diversity

Hernández-Martínez Alejandro, Cuartas-Agudelo Yuban Sebastián, Herrera-Almanza Laura, Roldan-Tabares Mabel Dahiana, Martínez-Sánchez Lina María

Article ID: 1965
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2022

VIEWS - 97 (Abstract)


In a multicultural country such as Colombia, ethnoeducation is an important component of health education, because it promotes the quality of life of ethnic minorities based on the community's potential, practices, habits, experiences and approaches that promote overall health awareness. The purpose of this article is to perform a narrative review on the background of ethnoeducation and its impact on health. The development of inter-cultural skills among students in health fields would enable the future professional to perform their roles with adequate cultural relevance, respecting the values, traditions and history of the communities. Topics discussed: Worldwide, ethnoeducation has been highly relevant, and some international organizations have worked on its implementation for decades. In Colombia, several legal and regulatory instruments have been developed to implement ethnoeducation. However, close to 86 % of the ethnic populations do not have access to education in accordance with the established principles. The importance of ethnoeducation has been highlighted in several countries in that it has achieved positive results such as a reduction of morbidity and mortality through educational activities that promote health and help prevent diseases. To achieve this, it is essential that the planned activities be integrated into the communities' cultural perceptions. Conclusion: Although local, national and international guidelines have been established, ethnoeducation continues to be a challenge. It is necessary to increase efforts in order for ethnoeducation to achieve the objectives that have been set out from a theoretical perspective.


Medical Education; Cultural Diversity; Health Promotion; Community Participation; Delivery of Health Care; Health of Indigenous Populations.

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