Research on parametric landscape design for urban biodiversity conservation

Huaize Ye, Jun Zhai

Article ID: 1940
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2023
Received: 23 August 2023; Accepted: 16 September 2023; Available online: 7 October 2023; Issue release: 31 December 2023

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Biodiversity has brought rich material products and non-material benefits to mankind, and is an important support for the sustainable development of human society. Although people realize the importance of improving biodiversity under the pressure of rapid disappearance of biodiversity, few people have fully explored the parametric design of biodiversity in urban landscapes. Therefore, this article briefly describes the development process of urban landscape biodiversity, taking examples of different types and different scales at home and abroad as examples, comparing its parameterized evaluation and design models, and analyzing the parametric design in the urban landscape and the biodiversity target organic ways and means of combination. On this basis, the approach of urban landscape design for biodiversity is explored, its development trend and main problems are prospected, and the corresponding enlightenment for the future development of urban biodiversity and practical reference are provided.


landscape architecture; biodiversity; urban landscape; parametric; landscape approach; design system


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