Discussion on the biodiversity protection planning methods based on urban–regional scale

Bangrui Yue, Shilei Kang, Chang Jiang

Article ID: 1936
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2021

VIEWS - 45 (Abstract)


This paper explores the relationship between the spatial scale and biodiversity protection level and thinks that under the specifi c urban-region scale, landscape diversity is the key level to the macroscopic protection of biodiversity. Based on the systematicness and the otherness of urban–regional environment and the biologic fl ow and process, the protection pattern of biodiversity within urban–regional scale should be established. The author holds that seeking the “optimal landscape pattern”is one of the core missions of biodiversity protection planning. Based on that, the paper summarizes the two types of city space and their biodiversity planning and design in two ways: first, the”Urban-rural landscape pattern optimization approach”specific to the space of city matrix, which includes “agglomeration segregation”,”landscape”, “green infrastructure”, three models and five pattern optimization strategies; second,  the “Nature reserve approach” specific to the space of natural matrix, which includes”reserve circle”and”protected area network”two modes and six reserve design principles.


biodiversity protection; biodiversity planning; regional planning; landscape planning; urban planning; landscape pattern; landscape scale effects

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